In the past few weeks our working lives have changed massively. How has working from home, job uncertainty and being in an isolated environment affected your mental health?
In the face of such uncertainty, it is not surprising that a lot of us are living with a heightened sense of anxiety, with coronavirus ever present in our thoughts.

Here at Embark we have created five top tips you can embed into your daily life to support your mental wellbeing at this difficult time.

We are all facing different challenges at this difficult time. It’s surprising just how hard it is to adjust to working from home. As I sit and write this blog, I’m aware of how lucky I am to have a home office, but this will not be the case for many people. Lack of space, insufficient equipment, a busy family home, and lack of technological ‘know-how’ can all add to the stress of working from home.
How can you alleviate that stress, or combat the feeling of ‘being alone’ or ‘isolated’?
There are actions you can take, both as an employer and employee, to improve your mental wellbeing, and make your time working from home much more enjoyable.
Employers and Leaders
Highlight positive news
Communicate more often than usual using video conferencing for face to face engagement
Be aware of your own support network – who can you talk to?
Ensure your employees are aware of resources and support available to them
Remember the value of the simple question ‘how are you’? Be approachable and let employees know it is ok not to be ok
Define set working hours and be clear on work priorities to prevent the feeling of being ‘lost’.
Be aware everyone’s home environment is different - some employees may find it harder than others
Try to provide suitable Display Screen Equipment to employees where possible
Consider providing a home working risk assessment – Embark can help with this!
Employees working from home
Establish ground rules with other occupants of your household
Form a daily routine – remember it is important to take regular breaks and clock off at an appropriate time
Designate a place to work where you are least likely to be distracted
No matter how tempting it is……… get out of your pyjamas. You will feel better for it we promise.
Consider keeping your commute: a short walk every morning before you start work punctuates your day
Share concerns with colleagues, managers etc. It’s good to talk.
End your day with what you have achieved and what you will do tomorrow
The working world has changed and I believe there is positivity in this.
We already understand the importance of wellbeing and are more aware of how to manage our mental health. We will be more grateful for things we have, and the positive points of our lives. Our whole perspective has changed by being forced to alter how we work, how we live and how we socialise.
Virtual coffee anyone….?
